Paula Hjelt-Putilin kutsuttiin ja valittiin BPW Finlandin (Suomen liike- ja virkanaisten liitto) kunniapuheenjohtajaksi liiton vuosikokouksessa Iitissä 22.4.2023.
Paula on aiemmin ollut liiton kunniajäsen. Hän on toiminut BPW Finlandin varapuheenjohtajana vv. 2001 – 2002 ja liiton puheenjohtajana vv. 2003 – 2006. Hän on toiminut aktiivisesti mm. monissa liiton toimikunnissa ja työryhmissä sekä liiton jäsenlehden LIVYKin päätoimittajana. Hän on osallistunut aktiivisesti liiton toimintaan ja osallistunut virallisena edustajana BPW Internationalin ja BPW Europen kongresseihin eri puolilla maailmaa. Hän teki myös aloitteen ja vuosien varrella paljon työtä BPW Internationalin v. 2011 kongressin saamiseksi Suomeen ja toimi kongressin Hostess Planning Committeen Special Advisorina. Kongressi toteutettiin kesäkuussa 2011 Helsingissä Finlandia-talossa. Paula on vannoutunut naisten tasa-arvon edistämisen kannattaja toimien useissa eri naisjärjestöissä.
Lue lisää: BPW Finland
Assertumin Paula Hjelt-Putilin on saanut 29.10.2022 Suomen Yrittäjänaisten Kultaisen ansiomerkin.
Assertumin Paula Hjelt-Putilin sai loppuvuonna 2021 Suomen Yrittäjien Yrittäjäristin Timanttiristin 30-vuoden asioista yrittäjänä. Kuva Paulasta on otettu Helsingin Yrittäjien itsenäisyyspäivän juhlasta 4.12.2021.
Paula Hjelt-Putilin kutsuttiin BPW Finlandin (Business and Professional Women Finland – Suomen liike- ja virkanaisten liitto) kunniajäseneksi lokakuussa 2012 Vantaalla, liiton syyskokouksen yhteydessä.
BPW International
International Federation of Business and Professional Women
Paula Hjelt-Putilin: Woman of the Week (96), 2012
Who is Paula Hjelt-Putilin?
Paula Hjelt-Putilin as BPW
Paula joined BPW Helsinki Club 1991, recommended by Tuulikki Juusela and Anna Perälä. Paula has been the vice president and president of BPW Helsinki. She has been the member of many standing committees and taskforces of BPW Finland; e.g. the election committee. She was the vice president of BPW Finland 2001 and 2002, and the president of BPW Finland two periods, 2003- 2004 and 2005-2006. During her terms as the president she was the editor in chief of LIVYK, the periodical of BPW Finland.
Paula has attended many BPW International and European congresses, as the delegate of BPW Finland. She has also had the honour to host BPW International Presidents, Antoinette Rüegg, Chonchanok Viravan and Elizabeth Benham during their visits in Finland and in Helsinki. Paula was the initiator to submit the bid for the 27th BPW International Congress, to be held in Helsinki, 2011 and hosted by BPW Finland. The 25th BPW International Congress in Lucerne, in 2005, voted and decided to organize the congress in Helsinki. The congress was held in Helsinki last summer.
Since 2003 Paula has been very active relating to this congress, including the Helsinki Congress, held in June 2011. Paula has also been the member of the Helsinki Congress HPC (Hostess Planning Committee), as one of the two Special Advisors.
Paula Hjelt-Putilin as the owner and chief instructor of Assertum:
Paula Hjelt-Putilin founded her company Assertum in 1991 after a long career as an instructor, coach and consultant in speech communication, presentation and interaction skills. In addition, she has worked as a course planner, for example as the head of course management for a certain educational organization.
Paula is a Master of Arts and has been educated as a speech communication instructor. In addition to her degree, she has completed a multitude of different courses and programs. If necessary, Paula Hjelt-Putilin trains and lectures in English and Swedish.
Paula has trained persons from many different professions, from the highest levels of corporate management to gas station managers, supervisors to team leaders, entrepreneurs to wage workers, police to youth workers and healthcare personnel, shopkeepers to office workers, researchers to ministry presenting officials, trainers and teachers to students, union people to environmental professionals, PR experts to bankers and insurance workers and economists to engineers and lawyers.
Paula’s company Assertum tailors its group specific services according to the needs and wishes of the client. In addition, Assertum also gives personal instruction to key persons with different organizations. Topics of personal coaching can include e.g. speech and presentations skills, negotiation, conversation and argument skills and readiness, help with planning and stylizing speeches, preparing for speeches, use of voice and vocal expression, articulation and readiness for communicative reacting, for instance in interviewing situations. In addition, the topics of different training courses can include e.g. convincing speech communication and public speaking, communicative and participative leadership, communication skills for leaders, managers and other influential persons, listening skills, giving feedback, meeting skills, meeting techniques and communication in meetings, educational communication and the presentation skills of an educator, safety communication and communication as a safety and security factor, communication attitudes and communication climate.
As a result of her work as trainer and instructor, Paula Hjelt-Putilin is the author of written study materials, articles in magazines and other periodicals. She has also given interviews relating to communication to newspapers and radio programs. Paula has also written a book (in Finnish: Turvallisuutta viestinnällä – Kommunikointi haastavissa asiakas- ja palvelutilanteissa, Edita Publishing Oy, 2005)
SAFETY AND SECURITY THROUGH COMMUNICATION – Communication in challenging customer and service situations.
In December, 1999, the Entrepreneurs of Helsinki (in Finnish: Helsingin Yrittäjät) awarded Paula Hjelt-Putilin/ Assertum the Entrepreneur of the Year award.
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